Dear friends,
The annual meeting of the Geneva Society in Geneva 2022 was a success. There were up to 40 participants in total: from federal ministries to international organisations, the participants covered the whole spectrum of the Geneva Society.
The annual meeting began on Friday with a visit to Saint-Pierre Cathedral. The impressive scenery of Geneva was opened up to the participants there – as a reminder of old student days. This was followed by a visit to the Maison Tavel museum of urban history; the cheese fondue at the popular restaurant La buvette at the Bains des Pâquis closed the evening à la Confoederatio helvetica.
This was followed on Saturday by an impeccable guided tour of the Patek Philippe museum. This was followed by the general meeting, which was chaired by Wilfried Mlodzian, Arne P. Wegner as well as Class Seestädt. Isabel Walther became the new chairperson; Nikolas Hertel now holds the office of vice-chairperson and Laura Tribess will be secretary of the Geneva Society. At the General Assembly, Wilfried Mlodzian announced his departure from the Board. This marks the end of a special aegis of the Geneva Society.
The Society was delighted that Professor Gabrielle Marceau, Senior Counsellor in the Legal Affairs Division of the World Trade Organization and Professor at the University of Geneva, contributed the academic part of the annual meeting with her insightful and thought-provoking presentation on “New Roles of the WTO”. The presentation slides can be found here.
It was also an honour to receive the speech of Professor Kadner, Professor at the University of Geneva and Director of the Programme on Transnational Law (CTL/CDT), who praised the aegis of the Society later that evening in the rooftop°42 restaurant. He traced the development of jurisprudence in Geneva in three sections and captivated all participants with his charismatic manner.
We would like to thank the numerous participants.
The Board